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Need help with 1 semi sectional sofa from Facebook Marketplace

This move will probably need 2 movers, including yourself. I am buying a sofa from this seller, and need it delivered to my apartment. In to...

The route is from San Jose, CA to Santa Clara, CA.

Posted 5 days ago|Last active 5 days ago|10 drivers reached

Driving San Jose to Sacramento. Little furntiture

Small amount of furniture needs to be moved from San Jose to Sacramento. Please call 905-536-3191 ASAP

The route is from San Jose, CA to Sacramento, CA.

Posted 5 months ago|Last active 5 months ago|10 drivers reached

Driving San Jose to Sacramento. Little furntiture

Small amount of furniture needs to be moved from San Jose to Sacramento. Please call 905-536-3191 ASAP

The route is from San Jose, CA to Sacramento, CA.

Posted 5 months ago|Last active 5 months ago|10 drivers reached

Need Help driving furniture San Jose to Sacramento

Please call 905-536-3191 asap

The route is from San Jose, CA to Sacramento, CA.

Posted 5 months ago|Last active 5 months ago|10 drivers reached