See 3 recent jobs in the Lexington area

Need help with washer and dryer moving and setup

Washer and dryer are on the third floor. Need to move to another unit in the same apartment complex about 200 ft away on the first floor. Al...

The route is from Lexington, KY to Lexington, KY.

Posted 3 months ago|Last active 3 months ago|8 drivers reached

Needing a couch delivered

I purchased a couch and need it to be delivered to my house. 4.3 miles

The route is from Lexington, KY to Lexington, KY.

Posted 3 months ago|Last active 3 months ago|8 drivers reached

Needing a couch delivered

I purchased a couch and need it to be delivered to my house. 4.3 miles

The route is from Lexington, KY to Lexington, KY.

Posted 3 months ago|Last active 3 months ago|7 drivers reached